The Pelvic Floor Connection

Ignite Your Movement Mojo With These 4 Simple Hacks!

Episode Summary

😳 Are you feeling like you lost your exercise routine back on Summer vacation? Then you aren't alone! Did you know that nearly a fifth of us drop our exercise levels by over 40% in the winter... and let's not mention our natural inclination to eat more as the nights draw in! 🤫 Even you gals in the FitFannyAdams MembersHub have asked for a little helping hand to re-ignite your movement mojo... so here are 4 strategies to help you help you get back on track! BONUS LINKS>>> Check out the links in show notes to access your bonus discount to Januarys 6 Weeks : Transform Your Core & Pelvic Floor

Episode Notes

The festive season may well be on the horizon, but I really hear that many of you are struggling with your fitness and movement mojo.  Today's episode is just for you.

This time of year is such a challenge for many people; mentally and emotionally. And often, even if we seem to be doing 'OK' on the surface, there are often subtle shifts in our energy levels, motivation, and 'get up and go' on the inside. 

We know that the shift in season kicks in our primitive reflexes to adopt that 'hibernation' mentality. But what we can do to keep focused, looking after ourselves and ultimately, moving? 

Today, I share  4 simple strategies to help you restore your routine of movement and self-care! PLEASE, will you let me know which resonates with you? And, reach out for help if you need it . 

And if you are you feeling motivated for restoration and strengthening? Enjoy the last few days of Novembers 50% discount for  my 6 Week : Transform Your Core and Pelvic Floor programme, which I will be hosting (100% online, live and ondemand) from January 9th 2024! 

Access the whole programme for life, for £99 (rrp. £189) or $125 (rrp $250)... but only until Dec 1st!

****To reserve your spot in £'s; it's

****To reserve your spot in $'s; it's

And if you just want to join the FitFannyAdams tribe to access specialist whole body strengthening and cardio classes, 3 x week* that focuses  on core and pelvic floor strength, then come and try a month in the MembersHub on me! (30 days free and then £24pcm, cancellable at any time) (30 days free and then $30 pcm, cancellable at any time) 

 I really hope you enjoy todays episode... will you reach out and let me know what helped most or if you have any questions about the membersHub or Transform?

Xx Sarahjane

*I run 3 classes a week in term time, alongside a on-demand class library of 100's of classes, that you can access any time!